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It reflects the changing intelligence needs of our clients in both the public and private sector, as well as the many areas we have been active in over the past two years.
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Intelligent, lively, humorous, and thoroughly engaging, "The Predictably Irrational" explains why people often make bad decisions and what can be done about it.
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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 6th International ICST Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications (MOBIMEDIA 2010) held in Lisbon, Portugal, in September 2010, which was accompanied by ...
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The artificial intelligence (AI) landscape has evolved significantly from 1950 when Alan Turing first posed the question of whether machines can think.
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The liberalisation in the telecommunication market and thus the advent of competition has had a tremendous impact on business in this area.
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This book investigates the possibilities and limitations of various systems supplying manned bases on Mars with energy and other vital resources. The book collects together recent proposals and innovative options and solutions.
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Satellite Communications and Navigation Systems publishes the proceedings of the 2006 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications. The book focuses on the integration of communication and navigation systems in satellites.
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This book constitutes the proceedings of the Workshops held in conjunction with SAFECOMP 2019, 38th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, in September 2019 in Turku, Finland.
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Northup's account provides extensive details on the slave markets in Washington, D.C. and New Orleans, and describes at length cotton and sugar cultivation and slave treatment on major plantations in Louisiana.The work was published eight ...
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This book looks at the energy transformation from two complementary angles: governance and business model innovation.