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The book brings together knowledge from Engineering, Economics, Utility Management and Practice and helps to provide a better understanding of the real economic value with methodologies and practices about innovative energy technologies and ...
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The book features chapters authored by those deeply involved in CityMobil2—providing an easily accessible, cross-referenced resource for data and information on each aspect of the project.
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" --Profile of the International Filtration and Separation Industry - Market Prospects to 2009, 5th Edition This revised and updated 5th edition includes increased coverage on the strategic direction of the industry, plus it offers ...
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This forward-thinking collection brings together over sixty essays that invoke images to summon, interpret, and argue with visual studies and its neighboring fields such as art history, media studies, visual anthropology, critical theory, ...
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"Published to accompany the first large-scale retrospective of Alighiero Boetti's work outside Italy in over a decade, this volume presents the most comprehensive overview of the artist's career to date.
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Now, for the first time, and experienced translator of medieval verse who is himself a poet provides a translation of Chretien's major poem, Yvain, in verse that fully and satisfyingly captures the movement, the sense, and the spirit of the ...
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This volume reviews the markets, technological trends and major manufacturers of filtration and separation equipment on an international basis.
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Edited by Jarg Schellmann. Essays by Dierk Stemmler, Joan Rothfuss, Jarg Schellmann and Peter Nisbet. Afterword by James Cuno and Kathy Halbreich.